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Q! Conversation Cards

Q! Conversation Cards

£29.99 (inc VAT) + £2.50 P&P

Ever felt like you're talking to a wall when raising quality in the meeting room? Unsure how to initiate those conversations in an engaging and meaningful way? Do you need a unique icebreaker or conference break-out tool for your event? Want to get the Board interested in having a quality discussion about quality? Do you need to train your staff? Well the Q! Conversation Cards are the tool you need! A 52 card deck divided into 4 suits, each concentrating on a particular leadership trait and all linking back to the subject of quality.

Each card provides two pieces of information to share with the room:

1. A quote to engage and focus everyone’s thoughts on the topic.
2. A question designed to spark a discussion about the topic.

With a a bold, graphical design and thought-provoking topics, these cards will help focus the attention of your meeting, conference or training session and stimulate engagement. 

For multiple or bulk orders, please contact us on orders@qfactorial.co.uk and we can provide you with a unique quote to match your requirements. At the moment we ship only to businesses within the UK (exc. Northern Ireland and Channel Island addresses) but if you are an overseas customer hang tight, our Digital Deck version is coming soon!


Last week we provided online training for internal auditing and one of the tools we used for ice-breaking and group discussion were these excellent conversation cards provided to us by Kevin Brown and the team at QFactorial. The cards cover a variety of topics and are a great tool for use in a variety of settings.

Mark Walsh

Q-Sys Solutions

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