ISO 9001 & ISO 55001 implementation for a solar farm
Our client is a full-service, utility scale, solar+storage developer bringing projects from origination through development. The company has a portfolio of projects in late-stage development totalling 6GW solar + 3GW storage across our three key markets of the UK, Australia, and Ireland. Their strategic focus is on delivering a sustainable future for everyone and they aim to become the best-in-class asset manager for solar+storage projects with a focus on innovation and quality from development to operations.
We were asked to assist in diagnosing, designing, developing and implementing a new integrated management system from scratch that met the requirements of ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 55001 (Asset Management).
ISO standards (at the same time!)
non-conformities or OFIs across both
QFactorial Service offering
Driven by the client’s wish to approach the open market and widen their customer base, the project gathered momentum rather quickly. We approached the work in two stages. Stage one was all about: fact-finding conversations with the client’s key staff; gathering and reviewing existing client documents to be incorporated into the management system; creating the key integrated management system documents – system manual, process maps, policies, trackers, templates - including the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP); and advocating for the client during the Stage 1 certification audit. During stage 2 we provided flexible support (incl. mentoring, progressing, and general advice) in the run up to, and advocacy at, the Stage 2 certification audit.
The client was engaged from day one and maintained their engagement right through to the last day of the certification audits. Their personnel were dedicated to using the new system and took ownership of it early in the project. A real highlight was spending time with the client in a state-of-the-art shared office space in London and seeing first-hand their keen attitude towards the standard and implementing it across the business.
The client obtained their ISO 9001 and ISO 55001 certification from an internationally recognised UKAS accredited certification body.
Whilst ISO 9001 is ubiquitous, ISO 55001 (asset management) is a relatively uncommon management system standard, with consultants and auditors in short supply. Luckily for our client, we were able to provide an experienced consultant from within our network, and to recommend a certification body with this standard as part of their UKAS-accredited scope. From our side, the project was a perfect illustration of our core business: helping clients to achieve multiple ISO certifications in the sweet spot where Quality meets Science, Technology and Sustainability.